2020-04-20 9:12 PM
2020-04-21 4:19 PM
You can use STM32Cube to filter down possible hardware. Seems you need a DCMI (Camera) and an SAI (Audio) but there are still hundreds of choices. From there I would look for ones with development boards and the fastest / most memory to experiment on. Optimize later once your proof of concept is done.
2020-04-21 8:21 PM
Yes, I know by STM32Cube I can filter down and get a possible hardware, but in my company I can’t install the tools temporary.
Could you just give a suggestion on which platform?
I need a DCMI(Camera), but I still confused which kind of Camera I can choose, because I want to realize the feature of the camera can record the speed of the handwriting.
2020-04-22 3:33 AM
thanks your help. Now I already use STM32Cube get one chip STM32F429XX with STM32429I-EVAL board choose. but in my project has one requirements is that the camera can record the speed of handwritten. so I suppose this work should can be done by X-CUBE_AI tool. Am I right? and in STM32Cube I can see six models: Keras, TFLite,ONNX, Lasagne, Caffe, Convnetjs. I am do not know the difference among them. Could you let me know which one I should choose? or if somewhere I am not correct.