2016-09-24 1:36 AM
I working with stmf429 board with cubemx and HAL driver and i must run ethernet protocol (with LWIP or without) I want to connect 2 boards to each other (for example press key and led light up in other board) I do not know where to start Anyone who knows please help me . thanks #lwip #stm32f4 #cube #stm32f4-eth2016-09-24 6:05 AM
Ok, can we please not cross-post, duplicate and abandon threads, the participants here are finite.
Are you going to connect these through a hub or switch, or be using DHCP or Fixed IP addresses? Each board will need it's own MAC address. Each will need a unique IP address if using TCP/IP. You will need a cross-over cable if directly connecting two boards. You could send packets as Ethernet frames between the boards. I'd look at the ETH code under LwIP. Look at the ETH IAP code examples. Perhaps read some documentation, this a protocol from the 1970's so assume there's lots of material out there if you want to do your own homework.2016-09-24 9:58 AM