2013-08-07 3:23 AM
I am about to write a boot-loader for an STM32F205 and I have been looking at the MSC example. When compiled this is 26kbytes in size. Does anyone know if this is typical or if there is any way of reducing this to get a boot-loader in Sector 0 of the device. I have looked for code size information but have not managed to find anything.
I have check the FATFS file system attached and can reduce the code size by reducing it's functionality to read-only and reducing the instruction set. #usb-code-size2013-08-07 8:23 AM
I'd guess you could start by looking at the relative utilization by assorted components in the .MAP file
I'm not sure what exactly you're building, I took a brief look at : STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0\Project\USB_Host_Examples\MSC\MDK-ARM\STM324xG-EVAL Which, unmodified has a 35KB foot print. 10KB might be attributable to the LCD support. I've built other SDIO + FatFs loaders that come under 16KB, not sure this is doable here with USB2013-08-08 12:48 AM
I am building a bootloader using the HS USB port of the STM32F205 device to update the application software. I had hoped to locate it in setor 0 of the device. Has anyone managed to uses the ST libraries to accomplish this and if so whatwas the size of the USB conponent of the software. I had a look at the map file after I had stripped the excess example code and found that it was already nearly 14KB in size.
Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Object Name 2468 30 128 12 0 0 ff.o 64 12 0 0 2840 0 main.o 176 16 0 0 0 0 misc.o 944 84 0 4 0 0 pcb101_bsp.o 64 26 388 0 1536 0 startup_stm32f2xx.o 348 38 0 20 0 0 system_stm32f2xx.o 3248 24 0 0 0 0 usb_core.o 138 0 0 0 0 0 usb_hcd.o 1448 44 0 2 0 0 usbh_core.o 236 0 0 0 0 0 usbh_hcs.o 454 0 0 0 0 0 usbh_ioreq.o 720 40 0 20 64 0 usbh_msc_bot.o 608 24 0 18 522 0 usbh_msc_core.o 288 16 0 1 0 0 usbh_msc_fatfs.o 924 20 0 1 528 0 usbh_msc_scsi.o 800 10 0 4 512 0 usbh_stdreq.o 780 164 239 78 1604 0 usbh_usr.o ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13712 548 788 164 7608 0 Object Totals