2014-09-26 12:56 AM
I have been for a many frustrating hours to get the STM32F429 discovery board to enter DFU mode. I know the micro USB port works as i've had a flash drive connected to it for the demo app but when i've followed the instructions to enter DFU mode (BOOT0 = 1 and BOOT1 =0) the PC doesn't detect that a USB device has been connected. has any one got this working ? if so could you tell me thanks Alan #stm32f429discovery #dfu2014-09-26 2:54 AM
has an explabation why it can not work .2014-09-26 4:18 AM
Thankyou for the info. great to have a solution
2014-09-26 9:39 AM
2014-09-26 10:13 AM
From AN2606 in the F429 section:
''The system clock is derived from the embedded internal high-speed RC for USARTx and I2Cx bootloaders. This internal clock is also used for CAN and DFU (USB FS Device) but only for the selection phase. An external clock multiple of 1 MHz (between 4 and 26 MHz) is required for CAN and DFU bootloader execution after the selection phase.''
My design does not have an external clock source, so I can stop playing this game for now. I was getting ''USB device detected'' on my PC when connecting the cable, but the VID/PID were all 0000/0000. Due to the lack of clock, I suppose?Sorry, I said I wouldn't hijack your thread, but I did anyway...2014-09-29 1:29 AM
Hi Chris
No prob about asking on this thread. We are all trying to find a solution. I have a question for you. Did you manage to get the DFU working on the 429 discovery board ? I tried as you did connecting PB5 to ground ONLY when is bootloader discovery mode and all the USART Rx pins too ! but couldn't get any reponse from the discovery board. You wrote that the USB DFU needs an external osc for operation. The default osc for the discovery board is 8MHz from the ST LINK addition i think as written in doc user manual for discovery kit for STM32F429/329 lines ( UM1670) page17 section 4.11.1. if this is here then i presume the DFU should be able to operate but i still can't get it to show anything even a VID/PID 0x0000 thanks for any help you can give Alan