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Calling osDelay after osMailGet result in the micro stuck - using freeRTOS with CMSIS API


I'm working on a project using a STM32F446 with a boilerplate created with STM32CubeMX (for peripherals initialization and middleware like the FreeRTOS with the CMSIS-V1 interface). I have two threads which communicate using mailboxes but I encountered a problem: one of the thread body is (I made it more understandable)

void StartDispatcherTask(void const * argument)
    mailCommand *commandData = NULL;
    mailCommandResponse *commandResponse = NULL;
    osEvent event;
        event = osMailGet(commandMailHandle, osWaitForever);
        commandData = (mailCommand *)event.value.p;
        // Here is the problem

It gets to the delay but never gets out. Is there a problem with using the mailbox and the delay in the same thread? I tried also bringing the delay before the for(;;) and it works.

Also, I can try to add more detail to the problem. The first thread send a mail of a certain type and then waits for a mail of another type; the thread in which I get the problem receive the mail go the first type and execute some code based on what it receive and then send the result as a mail of the second type; sometimes it is that it has to wait using osDelay and there it stop working but without going into any fault handler