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Bootloader for STM32F4 using serial to ethernet converter.


I am using the STM32F407 and I correctly configured the pins for boot mode, I am using USART3 in boot mode for downloading the code into the flash memory of this MCU. I used ST flash loader demonstrator GUI for downloading the code into the MCU using USB to TTL cable. I can successfully download the code using this cable with USART3 in boot mode, but I am unable to do so using the serial to ethernet converter.

I first defined a virtual COM port using HW virtual serial port software, this virtual COM port has the IP address of the converter. Then I made the correct connections for example TX of converter goes to the RX of the MCU and vice versa. Then I opened the flash loader demonstrator GUI, opened this virtual COM port that I created using the IP address of the converter, but when I click next I get errors from the demonstrator "saying that the device is not recognized please reset and try again" after resetting and entering boot mode I still get the same errors.

Then I used Hercules terminal in serial mode (using the virtual COM port I created with the IP address of the converter) to send read and write commands serially to the MCU in boot mode defined in AN3155 application notes, to my surprise, I was getting correct and expected responses from the MCU, but not always sometimes the MCU was sending weird hex values.

Then to debug further, this time I used usb to ttl cable to connect to Hercules terminal serially and sent read and write commands and this time each command I sent was accepted by the MCU and replied correctly always.

When I use the serial to ethernet converter and open the virtual COM port on hercules to send serial commands, before I am able to send anything the MCU sends a string of hex values that don't make sense, I don't see these hex values when I connect with usb to ttl cable.

If someone knows how to configure the serial to ethernet converter correctly with STM32F407, kindly help me with this problem.

Thank You!


If the chip is sending values, something is sending values to it. You could monitor the TX/RX lines to figure out what it is.

The answer is likely going to be specific to the ethernet to serial adapter you're using and not anything STM32 specific.

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