2018-04-24 9:28 AM
Hello dear community,
I have a few questions about a current project.
We would like to use a microSD card on the Discoboard STM32f746G to update the firmware.
We have already discovered successful attempts online but have never been able to implement the source code.
Does anyone already have experience?
Can someone help with the source code or post an example source code?
Kind regards
#bootloader-/-firmware-update-via-sd-card-(iap)2018-04-24 10:04 AM
Does anyone already have experience?
Yes, do this stuff professionally.
Do you have the microSD card working via some of the examples under the HAL/Cube trees? Should be 4-5 examples there.
IAP is going to be a matter of understanding how large your loader is, and then writing firmware image to FLASH memory above that. There should be IAP examples for the F7-EVAL series boards which are relatively portable to the F746-DISCO
2018-06-28 5:35 AM
Thank you for your help.
I have implemented the SD card and the LCD display in the UART Bootloader (IAP_Main example application of the STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.11.0 Firmware Package) with the 'System Workbench for STM32', but this causes the flash write function to abort while writing the 2nd block, which was not the case with the UART variant with the same flash write function, if the USER application is larger than 8k (eg by integrating the LCD display in the DualBank_Binary_Template example USER application).
Have you heard of such an error?Thanks in advance.