2020-05-14 2:00 AM
I am trying to execute the very simple example that came with the board, publishing sensor data on AWS.
Here are the videos that shows the example I'm talking about:
1) https://youtu.be/PY32lLiauKk
2) https://youtu.be/6eUqxjBL_wI
I have failed to connect to my WiFi router. Here is the terminal output:
I dug deep to see why it was failing at line 327 and found where it was happening. When "ES_WIFI_Connect()" function was called, it set the ssid, password, security type and then tried to join. And the JOIN AT command fails with status: "ES_WIFI_STATUS_UNEXPECTED_CLOSED_SOCKET", which just mean after sending "C0" to the WiFi module it replied back "\r\nERROR".
I don't know much about the wifi module, yet. I thought the example should have been straight forward. I was hoping if someone can tell me what is happening.
2020-05-28 10:05 AM
are you sure you entered correctly the WiFi configuration details ? SSID name, security type, password ?
I see in the image you entered "2" for WPA. Are you sure your WiFi access is WPA and not WPA2 ? did you try with option 3 (WPA2) ?
could you check if your WiFi access point uses WiFi channel higher than 11 ? if yes, could you configure your WiFi access point to channel 11 or less ?
another way is to set the Inventek module country code to a country that accepts wifi channels higher than 11 (example : AT command "CN=FR/0")
2020-06-01 12:08 PM
Ok, option three worked.
But how do I know that it will be WPA2? When I checked my router configuration it showed this:
So I assumed it must be option 2!