2012-06-03 4:59 AM
Does anybody know if there is example on STM32F2xx to support UVC class? I checked USB lib provided by STM but only similar example (Audio with ISO out) provided and I do think there should be quite some works if I port Audio project towards UVC class, as for they indeed have some differences. That would be good if you can share any idea on the implement method or materials could be shared, I appreciate it pretty much. Basically I am doing a small demo to simulate a USB Camera by STM32F2xx, a real camera is plugged to DCMI I/F. What I am facing issue is USB Part with suppporting on UVC. Thank you... #uvc #usb2012-06-03 9:34 AM
can anyone help?
2012-06-05 7:00 PM
i dont thing a ready Video class example is available.
participants in this forum can help ofcourse step by step You want to use ISO EP or Bulk ? i guess bulk is more used.2012-06-07 8:38 AM
Hi Alokm.
Thank you to break silence. :) Either Bulk and ISO can be okay for us, even bulk is quite popular for many of appllication, ISO still be proposal mainly for stream scenario. In our case, we will use fastest implementation initially, eventually we prefer on bulk transfer as for we want to ensure data integrity. Do you have working example of UVC descriptor? can be shared if any?2012-06-09 12:56 AM
i dont have a ready example of descriptors. However i found a PDF on
ref toUSB_Video_Example_1.1
2012-06-09 3:53 AM
> Do you have working example of UVC descriptor? can be shared if any?
Search the keyword 'lsusb ''bInterfaceClass 14 Video''' on Goooogle. You'll find Linux people post descriptors of many commercial UVC webcams. Sony Visual Communication Camera http://hpv.cc/~maty/tmp/vaio/p/lsusb Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd. HP Webcam-101 http://www.randomprojects.org/wiki/HP_635/lsusb Genesys Logic, Inc. USB 2.0 Camera http://linux.seindal.dk/linux-upload/2009/02/lsusb-v.txt etc. Tsuneo2012-06-11 8:48 PM
Thanks Alokm.
I had uvc spec from USB Org and developed description according its example from ''USB_Video_Example 1.1.pdf'', now driver can be installed correctly as ''USB Video Device'' as attachment. The problem is that when I try to open camera, error pop up. I thinking it is caused by FW as for no function response request ''GET_CUR'' and ''GET_INFO'' and so on. I am using ''stm32_f105-07_f2_f4_usb-host-device_lib_2.1.0'' downloaded from ST website, and referring from AUDIO device example. Questions are: 1. Do I need to do something like encode/decode on JPEG format before transferring data to PC, or I just send data with uncompressed format (RAW RGB) from sensor? 2. am I understanding correctly?2012-06-11 8:51 PM
Thank you, ChinZei.
Any idea on my new questions?2012-06-12 10:57 AM
> I thinking it is caused by FW as for no function response request ''GET_CUR'' and ''GET_INFO'' and so on.
Just after Set_Configuration, Windows keep putting Get_Len/Info/Res/Min/Max/Def for each entity on the device.> 1. Do I need to do something like encode/decode on JPEG format before transferring data to PC, or I just send data with uncompressed format (RAW RGB) from sensor?Either MJPEG or uncompressed will do. Declare it on the format/frame descriptors, to show options to host. At start of streaming, host examines camera setting with Probe control(s), and it selects one of options with Commit control. Set_Interface switches the alternate streaming interface. And then, isoc IN transactions start. Regardless of compression method, a video frame is split into many chunks to carry over the isoc IN EP. Each chunk starts with 12-bytes payload header.I recommend you to monitor USB traffic of a UVC webcam using a sniffer. And then, you'll know how it works. Also, compare the traffic with your device. Doesn't one of your friend have any UVC webcam? A sniffer, which can interpret UVC requests, helps you so much.USBTrace (15 days trial) http://www.sysnucleus.com/Tsuneo2012-06-12 11:03 AM