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ADC mutli channel, DMA odd behaviour

Associate II

Hello, I'm developing a power meter board.
I'm using an STM32F427VIT6 and I need to read the analog values of 4 different channels (PA0 - PA3).

Since I need to calculate the RMS value of the measurement and i need the data points to be evenly spaced in time I decided to do use DMA and trigger the conversion using a timer.

- Configured the ADC in Scan Conversion Mode

- Set it 4 Conversions and changed Rank 1 to Channel 0, Rank 2 to Channel 1, etc...
- Set it to 28 Cycles per conversion

- Set it to be triggered by the Out event of TIM2


Then I enabled the DMA of ADC1 to be in normal mode, I want to do a bunch of conversions at a time but only when I fire them, not all the time.



Then I configured TIM2 to fire at the rate I want. I decided I want to store around 200ms of data using around of 128KB of buffer, because that's like 65% of my ram.

I may have calculated wrong, but the timer clock is 160Mhz with a Prescaler of 1 and a Counter Period of 1951 I get a frequency of around 41Khz





Then I set up a buffer to store the data in



#define ADC_BUFF_LEN (8192 * 4)

uint32_t ADC_BUFF[ADC_BUFF_LEN] = {0};



It's multiplied by 4 because the DMA store the data of all 4 channels every conversion so It's actually performing 8192 measurements per channel. At 41 Khz it gives a total time of around 200ms.

I'm starting the ADC, DMA and TIM2:






And the when I need to read the values I do



uint8_t cb = 0;

void read_analog()
	cb = 0;
	while(cb == 0);

void HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc)
	cb = 1;



After that I get a buffer of length 8192 where the indexes 0, 4, 8, 12... are for ADC channel 0 and 1, 5, 9, 13... are for channel 1, etc...


And I calculate the RMS Value of each channel



float calculate_rms(uint32_t *array, uint16_t length, uint8_t offset)
    uint64_t sum_of_squares = 0;
    uint16_t count = 0;

    // Iterate over the array, picking every 4th element starting from 'offset'
    for (size_t i = offset; i < length; i += 4)
        sum_of_squares += (uint64_t)array[i] * array[i];

    // Calculate the RMS value
    float mean_of_squares = (float)sum_of_squares / count;
    return sqrtf(mean_of_squares);  // Use sqrtf for float version of sqrt

  while (1)

    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */
	  float current = calculate_rms(ADC_BUFF, ADC_BUFF_LEN, 0);
	  float volatge = calculate_rms(ADC_BUFF, ADC_BUFF_LEN, 1);
	  float halfVoltage = calculate_rms(ADC_BUFF, ADC_BUFF_LEN, 2);
	  float reference = calculate_rms(ADC_BUFF, ADC_BUFF_LEN, 3);



I put an interrupt point after calculating the rms

The problem is the following:

current and halfVoltage (offset 0 and 2) are perfect, very stable always read the same.
voltage and reference (offset 1 and 3) oscillate between 2 vales. One is the correct value and the other is incorrect, but always the same.
For voltage It's 2118 (correct value) and  2538 (wrong value). In addition, every time I start a new debugging session it starts with the incorrect value and then every break point it alternates one and one.

Some things I tried:


  • There is no electrical instability, I already measured and there is no voltage oscillation.
  • I added a big delay after the DMA call, to be sure I'm not reading the buffer whilst writing
  • I increased the sample cycles to 144 to be sure is not reading instability
  • I added a HAL_ADC_Stop_DMA(&hadc1); after the DMA is done to make sure it stopped.



There is one thing that helped. When I changed End Of Conversion Selection to EOC flag at the end of all conversions in the configuration of the ADC. It became more stable, reading correctly maybe 6 out of 10 times, now it oscillates between 3 values, 1 correct and two wrong.


Any ideas why this might happen?
Thank you!



Karl Yamashita
Lead III

Try setting the DMA to Circular mode and enable DMA Continuous Request

Tips and Tricks with TimerCallback
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