2018-12-16 11:03 PM
I'm using ADC1 in combination with DMA (One-Shot-Mode). The ADC is used read out a spectrometer (288 pixel). Starting the read function does the following procedure:
HAL_ADC_Stop_DMA( &hadc1 ) results in the error: HAL_DMA_ERROR_NO_XFER. The error is set in stm32h7xx_hal_dma.c (line 752).
/* Check the DMA peripheral state */
if(hdma->State != HAL_DMA_STATE_BUSY)
hdma->ErrorCode = HAL_DMA_ERROR_NO_XFER;
/* Process Unlocked */
return HAL_ERROR;
The callback HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(); is called by the DMA (transfer complete interrput). And here the hdma->State is set to HAL_DMA_STATE_READY.
/* Disable the transfer complete interrupt if the DMA mode is not CIRCULAR */
if((((DMA_Stream_TypeDef *)hdma->Instance)->CR & DMA_SxCR_CIRC) == RESET)
/* Disable the transfer complete interrupt */
((DMA_Stream_TypeDef *)hdma->Instance)->CR &= ~(DMA_IT_TC);
/* Process Unlocked */
/* Change the DMA state */
hdma->State = HAL_DMA_STATE_READY;
if(hdma->XferCpltCallback != NULL)
/* Transfer complete callback */
(line 1324 in file stm32h7xx_hal_dma.c)
In my opinion this results always in this error.
Any idea?