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which is best MC for low cost design

Associate II

Dear Experts,

now i am looking for best micro controller for our project,

my requirements:

uart - 2

i2c - 2

package - SDIP/QFN or less

EEPROM - Min 2kb

watchdog must

minimum 2 timers

must arduino compatible program support

48 pin is enough

ic cost is less than 2$

if you know any controller with fullfill my requirements kindly let me know

thanks in advance



Associate II

Dear @Piranha​ ,

can you suggest which is the the best controller for my requirements and which Compiler is suitable for that , how can i debug the controller

@Ozone​ is right, you either need to ditch the Arduino compatibility or use an MCU with USB support.

For example STM32L053C8. You can use Nucelo-L053R8 for evaluation, it has the same MCU just in a bigger package (64 pins instead of 48).

Associate II

@After Forever​ 

if i choose Nucelo-L053R8 for evaluation, which is the user friendly compiler

> if i choose Nucelo-L053R8 for evaluation, which is the user friendly compiler

The same toolchain for both.

Somehow got the impression the project is a bit over your head at the moment. Perhaps start with a smaller project, and tackle your arduino compatible board later.

Associate II


i am a new to ST Microcontroller that's why i ask the user friendly compiler for ST micro controllers / Nucleo boards, i was already complete one prototype with Ti based Tiva C Microcontroller with Energia but that IC cost is too high that's why i move to ST based Microcontrollers

Well, you said you want it to be Arduino compatible, so you'll have to use the Arduino IDE with, I guess, STM32Duino package (I have no experience with that kind of feti things but you can find information in their wiki pages).

Otherwise, you can use the freely available STM32CubeIDE and forget about Arduino.

Associate II

@After Forever​  and @Ozone​  thanks for your support, i will purchase the NUCLEO-L053R8 board for my project and i will going to program with STM32Cube IDE