2021-03-16 4:07 AM
I designed a motor controller with an STM32H725ZG, and I am having problems with
the SMPS. First, with the board just assembled, the stm32CubeIDE let me upload
a simple code (activating 25MHz crystal, debug, and blinking a led) one time.
After uploading it, the debugger shows "Target not found..."
"Shutting down..." and it can't be programmed never again. After some
measures I realized that the SPMS is throwing 0.06V, so I decided to bypass the
VDDLDO to 3V3 and after that it works perfectly.
Do I have to activate something in CubeIDE or in some register to use the SMPS?
Is there something wrong in the design? (PDF)
I put R107 as a jumper to switch between mode 1 and 2 described in datasheet. And none of this modes worked.
Thank you for your help.
2021-03-16 8:53 AM
Not sure about this chip, but on H747 there is a selection for linear or smps regulator on startup. If you have wrong power supply type and the opposite register init, it will never boot. To recover you have to use the BOOT1 pin to enter bootrom and reflash, then after make sure in whatever image you flash - start up init of the power domain to match you supply selection. Hope this helps.
2021-07-26 7:15 AM
Is this issue resolved? I also have issue with H725, but worse, the board never boot-up. ST-Link always reports "cannot connect to the target".
2021-07-27 1:02 AM