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STM32F429-DISCO EXTI line 14 and 15 of GPIOB do not work

Associate III

I am currently developing a touchgfx GUI for a custom board which is based on the STM32F429-DISCO, therefore I use said board for the fundamental development. While initializing hardware button controll via GPIO_EXTI lines I have run into a strange issue I can workaround for now but not solve.

Initially I planned on using GPIOB EXTI lines 12 to 15 (PB12 - PB15) for external buttons. The procedure is based on the tutorials STM32 Graphics: Using “Hardware button is clicked�? at Interactions, Part 1 and Part 2. But for some reason EXTI line 14 and 15 do not work on GPIO Port B. I have tried the same EXTI lines on different ports and they are working fine, so I figured it has something to do with Port B but I can't wrap my head around the cause for it.

It's not that big of an issue for now as I have a few more pins I can use for said EXTI lines but I would like to know why PB14/15 do not work. So if you have a clue on this I would highly appreciate your help!

Callback function for EXTI where I put a breakpoint to check for correct interrupt event:

void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
	if(GPIO_Pin == GPIO_PIN_15)
		User_ButtonState= 0x01;


Accepted Solutions

If some pins on devboards don't work, check the jumpers/solder bridges in manual an on board.



View solution in original post


If some pins on devboards don't work, check the jumpers/solder bridges in manual an on board.



Associate III

Thank you very much! Sorry, I am not used to develop with STM32 DISCO boards yet. I will check this from now on.