2014-10-19 2:20 PM
I'm having issue to connect to my newly bought STM32F4 discovery board with the- STM32 ST-LINK Utility v3.4.0- StlinkUSB Driver V4.3.3.0When I try to connect it's always failing with any parameter in the settings box.https://sites.google.com/site/levequejerome/_/rsrc/1413753212515/home/version.jpg
Can you help me?Kind regards #st-link/v2-stm32f4discovery2014-10-19 6:45 PM
Consider trying different USB cables, USB ports, or computer?
2014-10-20 12:10 PM
Yes I did my laptop on Windows 8.1 64bits and Linux Debian 64bits desktop with .It looks with st-link that core_id is read as 0x00, if that's help anyone. Regards2014-10-20 4:40 PM
Yeah, I'm not sure what to suggest, you could double check the jumpers connecting the ST-LINK SWD/SWCLK to the F4, and the 3V supply, and the voltage on the VCAP pins (1.25V).
2014-10-21 12:13 PM
Hello Clive,
Thanks for trying to help me.I've check today at my office with an oscilloscope and I've found the issue.The signal T_JTCK is ok on the CN2 connector on both side of the resistor R12, but completely null on both side of the SB3. So on PIN 1 of the CN3 connector there is just a null signal.The conclusion is the PA14 Pin of the STM32F4 does not receive a correct clock.Conclusion ST-LINK does not work.I will contact the seller for the warranty.Kind regardsJérôme