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STM32F4 discovery board power off when I put JP1 :(

Associate II

On board STLink is detected but no target is detected since JP1 is off which powers the STM32 but if I put JP1 on, all leds shut down. I suspect faulty stm32 /S hort circuit. I measure 2.2kOhm between JP1 pins. Anybody has same problem ? Thanks in advance.

ST Employee

Hi @mümin kazankaya​ ,

Can you give me the revision and the board name? For instance MBxxxx revxx

I checked on the MB997 revB schematic, and there is a solder side SB17under JP1. Can you check it?


Best regards,


thank u for answer ,

stm32f407g- disc1 MB997D D-01 .

SB17 has no problem.

Thank you for the reply.

You said that when JP1 is OFF the target is not detected, but putting ON the jumper turns off the led. What's about the target, is it detected (when JP1 ON)?

Best regards.


It is not detected whether it is ON or OFF.