2021-11-01 6:46 AM
Hello, after I read some topics here and on Google, is not clear for me where can I find the FW hex content to flash to recover an STLINK-V2 or to create a new one programmer home made.
At least bootloader FW hex, and after that to update this on STM32 Updater app.
I saw in a .jar app there are many .bin files for different STLink-V2/Vx programmers for Nucleo/Discovey included or standalone programmers.
For example, on the concurrent manufacturer Microchip, you have access of PicKit 2 /3 OS and/or bootloader hex file/s to create your own pickit programmer or to recover one, inside the PicKit App.
Which is the reason do not find them public/free, beside known thing that in China are cloned these STLink-Vx programmers? Is not my case. I'm referring to us, that really buy original processor/controllers from mouser/farnell/tme and create hobby/profi projects?
I'm not sure if I'm clear.
2021-11-01 7:07 AM
>>Which is the reason do not find them public/free...
ST is not distributing their IP in this fashion, this is ultimately their choice, and perhaps due to other licensing or patent related agreements that you are not party too.
Their answer was to provide the ST-LINK/V3-MOD which you could place on your board.
2021-11-01 1:01 PM
Ask your FAE or have a look at github.
2021-11-01 1:56 PM
This is not faire since I don't have a backup / recovery way for a Nucleo or Discovery boars as we have now, because we are working with students / education, there are risks to distroy boards and we shall repair them. How??? !!!!
More over, when we want to develop ne devices for hobby / students research we can't design also STLINK included on the board. To buy another module is to high as price compared with rest o f new developed project.
2021-11-01 2:00 PM
what is "FAE"?
I saw some github projects but we want to use an original FW since we want to trust the device is programming as original one.
For the moment we developed a custom Bootloader for some families F3 / F4 and flash via USB serial COM port. We also know about System HW Bootloader but not all the time is easy to work with them since it imply some Boot 0/1 HW pins / SW bits modifications etc..
2021-11-01 3:16 PM
FAE: Field application engineer.