2019-07-22 2:10 AM
I got a STM32 Nucleo-64 for STM32L073 board from Farnell. A few seconds after I had connected it to my PC via USB, it got so warm that I could not touch the CPU. They then send me another one, but it has exactly the same problem. I have tried setting JP1 on, which should limit the max current to 100 mA, but then the PC says that an USB device need more power. The board also gets warm with J1 on.
I then tried with an external 5V supply with current limiter, without USB connected. But it draws more than 2A when I turn off the current limiter.
2019-07-22 5:05 AM
You have some hidden way to fry your CPUs. Are you talking about the F103 CPU in the stlink part or the L073 target. You can easily fry some CPU by applying a voltage to high to some pin. If beside the USB cable nothing(!) was connected to the Nucleo, check the voltage on the USB cable. If something was connected, try on a new board with nothing(!) connected and having checked the USB voltage before.
2019-07-22 5:28 AM