2024-11-20 9:55 AM
This is my first posting, new to the ST world. I have recently purchased and unboxed a winbx1a.
Rigged up the winbx1a and the LEDs are blinking. I installed both ST BLE and ST BLE Classic apps from Appstore on my iphone. Both apps connect through BT (Classic is more stable regarding attaching/leaving) but none of them say there are any sensors!
I have been able to update the FW from 1.4 to 2.0 in the WINBX using ST BLE app, so some things are working. But no onboard sensors reporting? The plastic box says there is to be a bunch of them on the winbx board?
Am I missing something?
2024-11-22 8:03 AM
2024-11-23 2:58 PM
I'm using IOS and having the same issue.
2024-11-24 9:06 AM
I suspect one factor might simply be "asymmetric progress". I found and followed the stwinbox demo lecture series, and boy are things different IRL compared to the demo film! Great content though, and I got the python gui to sample all channels, after flashing the proper FW. So maybe is the app just expecting another older dataset.
2024-11-26 5:28 AM
To be clear: following the stwinbox video tutorial, I downloaded and installed the latest STDATALOG2 package. Installed that FW into the stwinbox using the STM32CubeProgrammer and got magnificent results. This FW also worked splendidly with the ST BLE Iphone app and I finally got lots of sensors to turn on and off from the phone.
So this is likely a versioning issue, that a new stwinbox default FW doesn't "fly" with the ST BLE app(s). JSON settings file for example is not similar in the film as on disk.
2024-11-28 2:35 AM
Hi, I suggest you do like me and "move on" to the stwinbox tutorial film.
Download and install the STDATALOG2 package.
Don't store (like me) things in My Documents but make a C:\ST root dir for all ST installations (there will be plenty!) A Python package refused to install for me but I got some graphic logs working.
Purchase a micro SD card. Note the winbox is picky, but in the stdatalog2 manual you will find a list. I got a "Sandisk UHS-I" 32GB (called "older smaller" in the shop) that is working. A 64GB "Kingston Canvas GO" didn't work.
The apps work better with the datalog2 FW, and that also opens a window to learning the AI stuff.