2019-04-28 03:24 AM
Familiar with Kinetis of NXP, I start with the STM32.
I am looking for the ST-LINK/V2 to program small Cortex M4, with a small connector (SWD).
ST-LINK / V2 has a 20pins cord with a 2.54 pitch. I can not find how it should be used with a small SWD connector.
Is there a standard adapter for linking a 20-pin ST-LINK / V2 to a small standard SWD connector? Is there a reference for this adapter ?
I only see DIY for that...
Thanks in advance
2019-04-28 09:27 AM
Seems like a reasonable enumeration of options...
2019-04-28 09:48 AM
Thanks you all !
my neuron has something to work...