2019-07-23 11:02 AM
The STM32 ST-LINK V1 connects and recognizes the BlueNRG (see STLINK-V1)
for the ST-LINK V2 and V3, the STM32 ST-LINK Utility connects but does recognize the device. same for the STMCubeIDE debug connection
13:38:57 : ST-LINK SN : 56FF6D067878545241190967
13:38:57 : V2J33S7
13:38:57 : Connected via SWD.
13:38:57 : SWD Frequency = 4,0 MHz.
13:38:57 : Connection mode : Normal.
13:38:57 : Debug in Low Power mode enabled.
13:38:57 : Device ID:0xA7F
13:38:57 : Device family :Unknown device
I have attached the circuit between the SPBTLE-1S and the connector
2019-07-26 4:13 AM
turns out Keil uvision works. but I have to pay $1600
should have stuck with arduino