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ST-LINK not detected on windows


I have couple of nucleo-g0b1re boards with me. Lately some of the boards are not identified on my Windows 11 PC. Also the boards which failed to be identified on updated cubeIDE and STM32Utility are also not detected by windows' device manager. They are shown as "BULK Interface". I tired looking on different forums but nothing seems to work. Any help on recovering these onboard ST-Links will be much appreciated.

2024-04-25 14_47_00-Device Manager.png2024-04-25 14_48_03-Device Manager.png


ST-LINK Utilities has been deprecated for a few years. Won't support G0 devices.


STM32 Cube Programmer should load drivers for the ST-LINK. Please try installing v 2.16, and see if it changes the Device Manager reporting.

Also once you've done that, and if it's still the Bulk USB, click "Update Driver" and see if it will fetch one from Microsoft, or if you can point it as the STM32 Cube Programmer install directory.

Make sure you're using quality USB 2.0 cables, not charging cables, and avoid hubs and docking stations.

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Thanks for pointing out about ST-Link being deprecated. I tested culprit board with Cube Programmer, but still no changes observed. Interestingly this board was identified as Segger J-Link device on my linux VM. It seems I've had updated from ST-Link to J-Link in the past and forgot to keep track. 

Even though segger's applications identify this board on linux, they fail to identify it on windows. Looks like there are conflicting drivers on my windows environment particular to this machine (PS - This culprit board is identified as valid jlink by both segger-ozone and stm32 cube programmer on my other windows machine). 

It is becoming quite confusing now. If you want we can investigate further else I can close this thread.

Again thanks for your time and support.