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ST-Link Firmware Upgrade Discovery Board MB997C

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I downloaded that package (en.stsw-stm32080) under Windows 10 and it comes up with not finding a device (I had BOOT0 strapped to Vdd)


Board would need powering, you'd have to see the device in Device Manager

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Could I use the Micro-USB connector (NORTH) to feed power from a USB host (computer) or would I better feed it from an external supply?

EDIT: I connected the NORTH Micro USB (CN1) via a USB HUB to my MacbookPro and connected CN3 (SOUTH) to the same hub but power switched off. I gave power (5V) to CN1.

I saw LD7 going lit for a moment, then fading away.

Furthermore I noticed that someone (before me) had removed C49 (4.7µF).

"Not clear why you've lost the source/binaries for the board"

That's another story. I literally "inherited" the project from someone (who unfortunately passed away a couple of months ago). The sources are there, but I need to be sure that that what currently is programmed into the MCU is the same that I can generate from that state of sources. Once verified I can continue more carelessly.


Connected CN1 to USB (to power the board)

Connected CN5 to other USB port (left out HUB since it might cause mess). LD7 goes lit.

But no USB device is generated or detected.

BOOT0 is jumpered to VDD.

BOOT1 (PB2) - No jumper

CN3 Jumpers now in place. Tried also with Jumpers off to no avail.

Yes, so if someone removed C49 is was so they could use USART1 (PA9) without issues.

You'd need to with PA9/PA10 to a USB-to-CMOS Serial adapter to get to the boot loader via STM32 Cube Programmer or the Flash Loader Demonstrator app

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OK, I have set up the board now such that it is externally powered through the +5V-GND pinheaders and BOOT0 jumpered to Vdd.

LD7 gets lit in this moment. C49 is desoldered. I have connected an FTDI MM232R board, so I assume I can use PA9/PA10 to connect for using the bootloader.

To what baud rate will the MCU bootloader UART PA9/PA10 be configured to?

It auto-bauds but needs to use EVEN parity, would suggest 9600 8E1

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Andreas Bolsch
Lead II

Please mark as resolved by removing SB10.

Senior II

You seem to have been cross reading in =)

Yes, indeed, my predecessor made a couple of modifications to the STM32F407-Discovery (MB997C), shorted SB10 among other things. Reverting the mods to their original setting enabled me to read out the flash.

 Thus the issue is solved. Is there a button for marking "as solved"?