2017-05-05 2:41 AM
Hi all,
I have a question about the ST-Link debugger/programmer.
Can it be used with any Cortex-M MCU from other manufacturers or is somehow specific to the STM32 family?
Thank you in advance for your support.
#st-link2017-05-05 2:49 AM
,The ST-LINK debugger and programmer is specific for the STM8 and STM32 microcontroller families.
2017-05-05 3:25 AM
Can it be used with any Cortex-M MCU from other manufacturers or is somehow specific to the STM32 family?
IMHO at least worth a try.
About three years ago, I successfully flashed and debugged an NXP1343 (Cortex M3) with a severed on-board ST-Link.
However, the firmware (and hardware) changed at the meantime. Not sure if that still holds with current versions ..
2017-05-06 4:27 AM
know the Stlink and can debug/program also a lot of other devices via SWD.You can also reflash
the stlink as a Black magic debug probe