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RS485 Sensor

Associate II

Hi, I am trying to connect one energy meter sensor which has RS485 output , But i am unable to read RS485 sensor readings in Nucleo F401RE, If you have any examples please help out!!


Perhaps have the meter vendor explain how it works to you or suggest contractors you might work with.

RS485 is a signaling interface. It doesn't define how particular hardware is queried or used in the broader sense.

Does the meter have a manual or datasheet you can refer too?

Do you have the RS485 level/interface circuit wired to a UART? Does that work at some basic level?

Do you work with anyone who knows what they are doing or have experience with this equipment?

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Thanks for your valuable time Delorean!!

Actually I had used ESP32 for RS485 Sensors, now I try to connect same RS485 Sensors in STM32 but I am not able to connect, I have tried with the same interface circuit which I used in ESP32, but I am not able to read.


Ok, so present this in a form that shows the code that works and the code that doesn't and diagram what exactly you have wired up to the STM32

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here is the code that I have used in ESP32, and it works fine, but i am not able to run in STM32


#include "RS485.h"
#include <ModbusMaster.h>

int ESP_DE = 13;

RS485 mySensor(4, 15, 2);

void setup() {
while (!Serial) {}

void loop() {


#include "RS485.h"

Derived node;

DynamicJsonDocument doc(MAXFILESIZE * 1024);

RS485::RS485(int txPin, int rxPin, int devId) {
ESP_DI_TX = txPin;
ESP_RO_RX = rxPin;
DEVID = devId;
void RS485::pre(){}
void RS485::post(){}

void RS485::Jsonarray() {
const char* jsonarray = R"([
"DN": "EM",
"DA": 2,
"AR": [
{"rd": 2, "rt": 2, "dt": 2 },
{"rd": 4, "rt": 2, "dt": 2},
{"rd": 6, "rt": 2, "dt": 2}
DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, jsonarray);
serializeJsonPretty(doc, Serial);

void RS485::begin() {
pinMode(ESP_DE, OUTPUT);
Serial1.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, ESP_RO_RX, ESP_DI_TX);
digitalWrite(ESP_DE, 0);
node.begin(DEVID, Serial1);


void RS485::Rs485readings() {

uint8_t noOfRegs = 0, temp;
uint8_t i, j, y = 0;
int v = 1;
uint8_t DATA[MAX][3];

JsonArray jsonarray =<JsonArray>();
//serializeJson(jsonarray, Serial);

//Converting JSON to 2D array
for (JsonObject data : jsonarray) {
int dev_id = data["DA"]; //Device Address
JsonArray addRegArray = data["AR"]; //AR = Add Register
for (const JsonVariant& addReg : addRegArray) {
int reg_id = addReg["rd"]; //rd = register ID
int reg_type = addReg["rt"]; //rt = register type
int data_type = addReg["dt"]; //dt = data type
if (DEVID == dev_id) {
DATA[noOfRegs][1] = reg_type;
DATA[noOfRegs][2] = data_type;
DATA[noOfRegs][0] = reg_id;

//Bubble sort - To arrange the data in Ascending order as per reg_id
for (i = 0; i < noOfRegs; i++) {
for (j = i + 1; j < noOfRegs; j++) {
if ( DATA[i][0] > DATA[j][0]) {
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
temp = DATA[i][x];
DATA[i][x] = DATA[j][x];
DATA[j][x] = temp;
// for (i = 0; i < noOfRegs; i++) {
// for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
// Serial.printf("[%d][%d]:%d\n", i, j, DATA[i][j]);
// }
// }

Serial.printf("NoOfRegs: %d\n", noOfRegs);
//To identify range based on total number of input registers
uint8_t range = DATA[noOfRegs - 1][0];
if (DATA[noOfRegs - 1][2] == 2 || DATA[noOfRegs - 1][2] == 3)
Serial.printf("Range: %d\n", range);

result = node.readInputRegisters(DATA[0][0], range, read_delay);
Serial.printf("Result : %d\n", result);

for (i = 0; i < noOfRegs; i++) {
if (DATA[i][2] == 1) {
if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess) {
reading = node.getResponseBuffer(y);
Serial.printf(": %d\r\n", reading);
} else {
Serial.println("RS485 Read Error");
else if (DATA[i][2] == 2 || DATA[i][2] == 3) {
if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess) {
uint16_t x[4];
union {
uint32_t i;
float f;
} data;
char hexString[9] = {0};

x[3] = node.getResponseBuffer(y) & 0xff;
x[2] = node.getResponseBuffer(y) >> 8;
x[1] = node.getResponseBuffer(y + 1) & 0xff;
x[0] = node.getResponseBuffer(y + 1) >> 8;

sprintf(hexString, "%02X%02X%02X%02X", x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]);
data.i = strtoul(hexString, NULL, 16);
if (DATA[i][2] == 2) {
reading = data.f;
Serial.printf("V%d:%.2f\r\n", v, reading);
else if (DATA[i][2] == 3) {
reading = data.i;
Serial.printf("% li\r\n", reading); ;

else {
Serial.println("RS485 Read Error");
if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess) {
if (DATA[i][2] == 1)
y = y + 2;

#ifndef RS485_H
#define RS485_H

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Derived.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>

#define MAX 20

class RS485 {
uint8_t result;
uint8_t dev_id;
uint8_t reg_id;
uint8_t reg_type;
uint8_t data_type;
float reading;
int read_delay = 5000;
int ESP_DI_TX;
int ESP_RO_RX;
int DEVID;

RS485(int, int, int);
static void pre();
static void post();
void begin();
void Jsonarray();
void Rs485readings();
