2024-09-15 12:59 AM
I am implementing UART through the NUCLEO-L073RZ board, I have connected PA2 and PA3 pin of the board to the FTDI and what I see on the Tera Term is ATE=0, not what I am sending, can anyone tell how to resolve the issue.
2024-09-15 3:02 AM
You need to give some more details:
@2001jolly wrote:I have connected PA2 and PA3 pin of the board to the FTDI
Note that, by default, those pins are connected to the ST-Link's VCP (Virtual COM Port) - so there's no need for a separate USB-to-UART adaptor:
If you do want to use a separate USB-to-UART adaptor, you will need to disconnect the pins from the ST-Link's VCP.