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PWR EXT pin's functionality of ST Link V2

0693W000005A1OnQAK.pngHi all,

We are trying to create a testing jig for STM32 MCU's where we will be having a on board STlink. We are using STM32F103CBT6 for this purpose and for schematic, we have referred STM32 LoRa Discovery board. There it is noticed that pin39 ( JTDO/PB3) is connected to voltage divider giving out 3.17 . There is also a option for jumper connecting to 3V3.

What is the purpose of this pin. ?

Why should we make this connection?

Where shall we find out description of the working of the ST link FW?

Also what is the purpose of PB15 (PWR ENn) ? Looks like it is turning On /Off the power switch . Why it is required?


Likely there to measure interface voltage.

Don't expect much support here, this is not a legal/permitted use of the IP.

​For onboard module look at ST-LINK V3MODS board.

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