2011-05-11 10:44 AM
Hi all,
I'm experiencing connection problems when using the STM32L-DISCOVERY kit with the ST-LINK Utility software v2.0. I supose this is a matter of drivers but I'm not 100%sure. Is there anybody facing the same problems? Thanks, JP #st-link-utility-stm32l-discovery2011-06-20 5:35 AM
I had success using the Visual Programmer included in the latest STVD release, then I also used the board with IAR uVision 6.20 (note, version 6.10 didn't recognize it).
So far no problems, my project is being ported to the STM32L. Giovanni ---2011-07-05 6:33 AM
2011-07-10 7:36 PM
STM32-Link now works for me- I *think* it failed before due to the default of using JTAG as the communication protocol. You have to select SWD.
However, last night I finally got around to fixing stm32flash, the program that talks the UART bootloader protocol, for flashing the chip directly over a serial link (in my case using one of those super-cheap knock-off nokia cables with a Prolific usb to serial adaptor cable). It hadn't worked before due to our STM32L chips using a different erase command protocol. Now, I haven't proved it is perfect, but it works for me on the STM 32 L Discovery boards I have here. So now I don't need Windows as part of my process, which is great considering I was developing using gcc (from the Sourcery version) and vi as my ''IDE''. While I wait for the changes to get folded in, you'll need to get my patch which I posted as part of my issue, and you can find that here: http://code.google.com/p/stm32flash/issues/detail?id=82011-11-07 10:20 AM
Just got Versaloon to program a STM32L-Discovery , using OpenOCD.
http://www.versaloon.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=20318 So i expect OOCD programming & Debugging should be ok. vsprog support is waiting for Simon. /Bingo2012-01-11 4:47 AM