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Problem with data transmission - NUCLEO-H753ZI

Associate III

Hi, Im using NUCLEO-H753ZI board and i want to send raw data to computer terminal. i tried to by using USART1. according to the schematics i can send data via USRAT1 through the USB power connection and it not working. i also tried to use USB_DEVICE to send the data but it fails again. 

in my last project i have used NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q and i send the data with USART1 and there were no problem at all.


can someone can help?


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Not all NUCLEO boards have the same USART connected to the ST-LINK for a Virtual COM Port VCP, e.g. on the NUCLEO-H753ZI it is USART3, as can be seen from the schematics.

Hope that helps?


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ST Employee

Not all NUCLEO boards have the same USART connected to the ST-LINK for a Virtual COM Port VCP, e.g. on the NUCLEO-H753ZI it is USART3, as can be seen from the schematics.

Hope that helps?


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Unfortunately "not working" is not a particularly helpful description.

The NUCLEO-H753ZI should have a ST-LINK/V3 with a VCP. Not sure of the band-width limit there, but I'd imagine it's quite high. Does it work at lower speeds?

Doesn't the VCP use USART3 PD8 / PD9 ?

USB fails? Fails HOW?

Anticipate you might have to debug your situation.

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Thank you for your answer,

i saw to that the USART3 is connected to VCP and i start the transmission with: 

HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, (uint8_t *)txBuf, len, HAL_MAX_DELAY);

when im in debug mode and i reach to the transmission command the command seems executed just fine but there is no output on the computer terminal.

my configuration is  USAT3, Mode >> Asynchronous, Baud Rate >> 115200.

The remaining configurations were not changed. 

I have tried to change the baud rate to 9600 and still the same result.


hope i manage to explain more efficiently the problem