2018-06-19 01:47 PM
I'm trying to connect ST-Link/V2 ISOL using SWD to a STM32F030R8T6 without success using Utility. When I go to Target -> Settings, the serial number is shown.
However, after pressing the Refresh button, Here's how I connected the debugger to the chip, this happens after a few seconds pause:
The error log shows this:
STLinkUSBDriver.dll loadedUSB communication error (65657) after target cmd F1 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00ST-Link get version failureUSB communication error (65657) after target cmd F1 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00ST-Link get version failureThe detected STM32 firmware version (V0.J0) does not support the DAP read command.USB communication error (65657) after target cmd F1 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00ST-Link get version failureThe detected STM32 firmware version (V0.J0) does not support the DAP read command.W at 0xe0042004: 0x00000000and the trace log shows this:
Target voltage detected: 2.855118
Error getting target IDCODE: if SWD, check SWD connectionError (4) while initializing ST-Link in SWD modeUSB communication error (65567) after target cmd F2 45 00 00 FC 00 00 00 00 00USB communication error (65657) after target cmd F1 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00ST-Link get version failureUSB communication error (65657) after target cmd F1 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00ST-Link get version failureSt-link Chip
Pin 1 - VDD VDD
Pin 7 - SWDIO Pin 46 - SWDIO
Pin 9 - SWCLK Pin 49 - SWCLK
Pin 19 - GND GND
I tried adding a pull-up resistor to SWDIO, a pull-down resistor to SWCLK, and a resistor from NRST to GND on the chip. I've installed the latest driver from the website from LINK-009 and LINK-007. Can anyone help me with this?
#st-link-utility #st-link-v2 #swd #stm32f030rc2018-06-19 02:47 PM
Does your software reprogram the debug pins or go into low power modes?
Does behaviour change when BOOT0 pulled High?
Has the design otherwise been fully validated?
2018-06-20 12:13 AM
I bought the ISOL ST-Link last week and spent ages trying to get it to talk to a
. This was not helped by reading the UM1075 manual. If one looks at page 13 there are pictures of both the ST-Link and the ribbon layout.Page 12 shows the pins and their connections. The cables supplied are all keyed so can't be plugged in the wrong way round.The pinout on page 12 clearly shows pin 11 as NC (Not connected) yet on the 2 10 pin cables (SWIM cables) this appears to be used as GND.
I tried using dupont cables from the ISOL ST-Link to my dev board and got the same sort of errors you're reporting. My brainwave was to see if someone had used one on YouTube. I found a suitable video and the gentleman was connected to his target using dupont cables but from the supplied ribbon cable rather than directly to the programmer. Once I did that I lost the errors and could program/debug by STM32F103.
My wiring is
1 - VDD from target
11 - SWO
20 - GND