2021-11-08 11:45 PM
I would like to use the stlink/v3 on the Nucleo144 stm32h7a3 board to program/debug my board is this possible? what do I need to connect?
2021-11-09 12:54 AM
I advise you to download the nucleo board schematic to know witch connections are used. Board reference is MB1363 you can download schematics here: MB1363 - Resources - Search STMicrocontrollers
Connector CN5 is an easy way to connect a board to STLinkV3.
2021-11-09 1:22 AM
I used the cn2 in this way from the left 3v3, swclk, gnd, swdio towards the pins of my card pin 3 (swclk), pin 1 (gnd), pin 4 (swdio) and pin 6 (3v3). when I connect it to debug to my program it tells me no device found on target
2021-11-09 2:09 AM
You also need UART to work. signals T_VCP_TX and T_VCP-RX are available on CN5 connector.
2021-11-09 6:01 AM
I don't see an easy way on that board to disconnect SWDIO/SWCLK from the onboard processor. You would need to do that before using it to program an external board. The VCP connections are definitely optional.