2019-01-18 8:21 AM
I plan to use the NUCLEO-F767ZI board as a plugin processor board for an application of mine. I.e. my board will function as a base board for the STM Nucleo board.
I just want to check for possible availability of Altium schematic symbol/symbols and a footprint for the NUCLEO-F767ZI board before I unnecessarily create it.
Are there Altium schematic and footprints available for this board?
I see that there is a schematic pack for this board available.
This is an Altium schematic pack. The only thing that bothers me is that the .PCBDOC is available but ot included with the Altium project by default. When I add it and do a schematic to PCB update I get the errors shown in image linked to below.
I am just surprised that this pack was released with these errors in it.
I wonder if there is a way to automatically create a schematic symbol and footprint from the supplied schematics and pcb for the board. Maybe better if I ask this on the Altium forum. But any remarks and comments are welcome.
Thank you
2019-03-13 7:02 AM
If you open the PCB layout (PrjPcb file) you can create a pcblib from it. Click on Desing tab and select "Make Pcb Library" or "Make Integrated Library"
2019-03-25 7:04 AM
I was able to find footprint for the F429ZI and I belive there is no difference in terms of the pin placement.
We share the same request. I am trying to find an appropriate schematic + footprint so I can have it as a plugin as well in my application.
Were you able to find one for F767ZI?