2017-05-15 2:54 AM
Currently, we are using a STM32F769 based custom platform with S25FL512SAGMFIG11 (from Cypress) as QSPI external flash.
The flash which used in STM32769I-EVAL platform is
MT25QL512ABA8ESF-0SIT and I can easily select the external flash from ST-Link utility since, this is a predefined configuration. Now, I have referred Section '3.9 Developing customized loaders for external memory' from STM32 ST-LINK utility software description (UM0892 User manual) and found that, only 2 or 3 flash support source is shown with TrueSTUDIO configuration.
Since, my platform is very close to the
STM32769I-EVAL, I would like to get the MT25QL512A_STM32769I-EVAL.stldr project source in TrueSTUDIO for ST-LINK utility. So that, I can easily change the External flash configurations alone and make it work on our platform.
PS: The examples sources are for pretty different MCUs and I need to change the entire source just to make the external flash ready.
Thank you in advance,
Ajith P V#project-source #stm32 #stlink #truestudio #configuration #stm32f769i-eval #external-flash2017-10-05 6:54 AM
I have the same question, but then with the source code for the MT25QL512A_STM32756G-EVAL.stldr.
I don't understand why ST only includes two types of MCU's in their examples for external loaders. I'm having a lot of difficulties with mine.