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Multiple ST-Link devices with TrueStudio?

Mike Hooper

I am attempting to use two ST-Link devices to debug two separate boards simultaneously in TrueStudio V9.2. I can scan for the serial numbers, and have entered each into the appropriate debug configuration, but only one ST-Link can operate at a time. The other gives an error "No device found on target".

Can anyone give some guidance on this issue?


>>Can anyone give some guidance on this issue?

Use Keil, it actually works.

Other than that, I presume they are using OpenOCD, you could perhaps check you've got current version, and command line or scripting into the debugger provides the right options for each of the boards.

I don't know if you're using two instances of the project/workspace, if not clone a second copy and see if you can convince it to behave properly.

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