2019-02-22 12:32 PM
I'm not certain if I connected the header on my PCB correctly so it will interface right with a Segger JTAG Device. The attached shows my schematic. Thank you!
2019-02-22 12:45 PM
Please edit to fix Title vs Question, and provide schematic/picture inferred
2019-02-22 12:55 PM
Hi Clive, I just updated the posting. I only had two options. Question followed by more details.
I did see where a Title could be added.
2019-02-22 12:56 PM
"I did not see...."
2019-02-22 3:04 PM
For SWD connect NRST not NJTRST. Read Clive's answer here:
VCAP1, VDDA/VSSA, VBAT and BOOT0 must also be connected. Read AN4661, especially sections 1.2 and 4.2 .
2019-02-22 3:23 PM
Hi Piranha ,
Thank you for helping. I went to the ST website and searched for AN4661 but nothing came up.
Can you forward it to me?
Thank you,
2019-02-22 3:39 PM
It's on STM32F730R8's page:
Also ST.com and Google returns it as a first result: