2016-08-09 11:02 PM
Hi there!
I'm developing a PCB with a STM32F429ZE. Now i want to integrate a ST-LINK/V2 debugger like on the Nucleos or on the Discovery boards. Is it possible to become the software for the ST-LINK/V2 microcontroller or could I anywhere buy an already programmed STM32F103? Thanks in advance for the answers! #stlink #st-link #stm32f4 #stm322016-08-10 4:38 AM
Hi linder.pascal,
You ought to buy an ST-Link in-circuit debugger /programmer that you find in this . -Hannibal-2016-08-10 4:52 AM
Hi Hannibal
Thanks for your answer. But I think you didn't understand me. I want to integrate the ST-LINK/V2 on my PCB like on the Discovery boards. So I don't have to buy an in-circuit debugger/programmer. For this I need the firmware for the STM32F103.2016-08-10 8:54 AM
They can be a bit dense at times... Like
chip A cursory search of the interwebs will get you the firmware image you are looking for.2016-08-10 9:07 AM
Hi linder.pascal,
Indeed the ST-Link firmware is embedded in the ST-Link micro STM32F103 and it is a proprety of ST. So, to use ST-Link for your PCB you should connect the ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger which is designed around the STM32F103C8 device that embeds the ST-Link firmware. See the related User manual for further details -Hannibal-