2022-04-21 7:38 AM
I chose STM32F030F4 as MCU for my device. I have gone through its schematic (attached for reference). I have little doubt about it. The capacitor values are written 104, that's it. Please help me find its unit, I will be too much helpful.
Secondly, I have to connect two components to its PA9 (SCL/TX), and PA10 (SDA/RX). How to code them, because both will be connected to the same pins so will it cause an error?
2022-04-22 12:24 PM
As KnarfB said - AN4325 is the primary reference. And then, of course, all of the ST's Nucleo, Discovery and Evaluation boards also.
2022-04-22 12:26 PM
Yeah, only a bit more than a 1M and 10k results...