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Hi, i'm doing a project and i need some information. It is possible to get an electrical diagram of the ST-LINK / V2 ?


Many demo boards from ST contain something compatible. I have parts placement picture of STM32nucleo board (UM1724 page 12), which have it, and there are others.

ST doesn't sell ST-LINK/V2 STM32F103 parts, although binaries can be found to facilitate this.

The main difference between the on-board and external stand-alone devices is the use of logic level translation for the JTAG/SWD pins based on the VTarget provided by Pin 1 of the ARM 20-pin JTAG header.

I'm sure one could find a schematic for the boot-leg devices if you looked for them.

ST does offer the ST-LINK/V3 in a module form for placement on user boards. Perhaps review that.

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