2022-12-22 9:13 AM
Issues confirmed on Win7 x64 and Win10 x64, STM32CubeProgrammer v2.12.0 was used on both platforms.
Both v3 versions working fine with STM32F103ZE, STM32F103ZG, STM32F103RC, STM32F103RE, STM32F103RD configurations as v2 does.
I read advises to reduce speed, different types of reset etc.
The latest firmware for v3 was uploaded to devices.
2022-12-22 9:17 AM
Bad USB cables? Hubs, or docking stations, etc
The ST-LINK/V3's use USB-HS
I don't see why an STM32L152C6T6 should be particularly problematic.
Voltages, Power? The ST-LINK/V2 has buffers.
Problem connecting with BOOT0 pulled HIGH?
2022-12-22 10:11 AM
thank you for your answer.
Please see again. The V3 does not work with specific family STM32L152C6. And works perfect with different families. Same conditions, same cables, same reset - I tried all combinations. And to my suprize the V2 works perfect in all cases. With different cables, different ports, connected direct to the USB socket on board of laptop/desktop or thought the docking station/hub
By the way. All tricks with using docking stations/hubs/cable/reset button/speed of connection/reset mode had not made any changes in case of V3MINE or V3SET.
Marry Christmas and Happy New Year!
With buffer or not - I don't need to see inside device. All units were ordered through Digikey. I presumed they to be original from ST.
Best Regards,
Dima Lyashenko
Electronic Engineer
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2022-12-22 10:34 AM
just..what the V3 doing ? (error message) - on Cube programmer - no connect ?
2022-12-22 10:42 AM
Nop. Just another try to program MCU using St-link V3. It does not connect to MCU