2020-06-03 12:06 PM
I believe that I connect the following:
But which pins on the MCU do I connect for the virtual comport?
VCP_TX -> PA2 or PA9
VCP_RX -> PA3 or PA10
Also, SWO is not avaliable on the Cortex M0+? so is not connected?
And other than power and ground no other pins are connected?
Thanks, I found reference to the STLINK-V3 but couldn't find any reference on how to interface with the MCU. Attached are some photos of my schematic.
2020-06-03 12:28 PM
Depends what UART you want to use for debug or production programming. You are writing the STM32 side code, so you can decide which one you want to use, or if you need to add more circuitry to share one you are already using. If you're only doing diagnostic output you only need to find a UART TX pin, and this can keep other full UARTs free for the actual product.
The CM0(+) support an Event Recorder method, several also have a UART on the SWDIO/SWCLK pins which could be used in-lieu of a debug pod
2020-06-03 12:34 PM
Thanks. That makes sense. Have a good day.