2023-02-10 12:36 AM
I'm struggling to connect directly my nucleo u575 using an external stlink. I have opened JP2, closed JP1. The pinout of connector CN5 is the following: 1 Vdd, 2 SWDIO, 3 GND, 4 swclk, 6 SWO, 10 target reset. The pin out of the stlink is 1 Vcc, 2 SWIM, 3 GND, 4 SWIM-RST. I'm not sure what is the right correspondance. In addition, I don't know how to set the nucleo board power source. I have set to power the nucleo board from USB-C. Could anyone help me? Cube programmer message is: Error: No STM32 target found!
Thank you
2023-02-10 5:29 AM
>>using an external stlink
What is wrong with the onboard stlink?
>> I'm not sure what is the right correspondance.
If youre looking for the Serial wire debugging pins (st altium file board link)
2023-02-10 6:24 AM
and what pin of the stlink I have to connect?...I'm continuing to have No STM32 target found!..