2020-07-05 9:32 AM
I'm looking for recommendations for a readily available ARM MCU evaluation board with the following requirements:
2020-07-05 10:31 AM
Search among the Nucleo-144 (QFP144 pins) boards with user USB function.
Note that all STM32 board have Uart To USB VCP bridge done by the on board debugger HW (so you only need to program a USART)
For example STM32L4R nucleos should do the trick.
2020-07-05 11:39 AM
Can you please suggest which of the Nucleo-144 boards has an MCU with digital to analog converters ?
2020-07-06 12:49 AM
I have not checked them all, but I would be surprised if there were one that could not do all what you have listed above.
Pick one from the -L series if power consumption is a concern.
Get the H743ZI2 if you need speed and lots of RAM.
2020-07-06 12:45 PM
Re-check your ADC requirements. On STM32 each ADC has multiple channels which are scanned sequentially. Therefore many STM32 MCUs have only one ADC but with a plenty of channels. Most likely that is what you need, but if you have that rare special case where you actually need 2 separate ADCs, then look carefully which MCUs have them.
If you prefer simplicity then look for L4 or F4. F7 is almost like F4, but with a more complex CPU. H7 is radically different and much more complex.
2020-07-07 8:39 AM
I'm looking for the quickest and easiest board to set up.
Is this a good choice ?
2020-07-07 8:47 AM
The F767 might be a better choice, more memory and a more competent FPU
The F722 would be a reasonable choice.
For lots of free IO's there are breakout boards using 176-pin devices, from the likes of WaveShare and the eBay/Alibaba contingent.
The NUCLEO's having the debugger and VCP are certainly a quick/easy option.