2016-06-26 10:24 AM
I am trying to download code to my STM32F429I discovery board using KEIL tools.
I enter ''Configure Flash Tools'' - Debug Tab; and press on ''Settings'' next to ST-Link Debugger. The running demo stops; the COM Led (LD1) rapidly flashes red/green then stops; and the window reports ''ST-LINK USB communications error''. If I close the ''Settings'' window and re-open it, it reports ''No ST-LINK detected''. The board appears like it has ''crashed'' or held in reset. If I unplug the discovery board and plug it in again. I can repeat the process. If I just try to Download, I get ''No JTAG Devices Found'' I just downloaded the new ST-Link V2 driver; according to the KEIL tools the version is V2J24S12. Can anyone help? Sorry if this is a repeat; this seems like it would be a common problem. I searched the forum but I did not find a discussion of this situation. If it makes a difference, I am running Windows 7. -Craig Goldman #stm32f429discovery #st-link2016-06-26 10:43 AM
You don't want JTAG connectivity, you want SWD mode connectivity. The DISCO can't support JTAG to the F4
That is a firmware version of the ST-LINK, not the driver, I'd recommend updating to the newest via the ST-LINK Utilities, there were some issues with a couple of the firmwares preventing connectivity to USB Charger type power supplies.2016-06-27 1:00 PM
Thank you.
I downloaded the ST-Link utility and upgraded. This fixed the communications problems. But I still get... Error: flash Download failed - ''Cortex M4'' Are there any other unusual download settings that are needed for these Discovery boards? I looked at the project options for their demo code and I did not see anything special, but I may have missed something. -Craig Goldman2016-06-27 1:01 PM
2016-06-27 6:48 PM
Make sure you have a flash algorithm selected for the F4 2MB part, this is a sub-pane of the Debug Settings/Configuration
Other options that can help are ''Connect under Reset'', especially if code running on the device is apt to break debugger connectivity, ie power down, or reconfigure the GPIOs