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Writing NDEF for ST25DV. Code failing

Associate III

Hi I was just wondering if someone could help point out where I could be going wrong with my implementation of write NDEF function. This is a very rough implementation but I believe I am following the correct message structure. I know my i2c mem write commands are working as I have tested the addresses. When I use the ST25 Tap app I don't see NDEF storage being populated. 

My implementation:

HAL_StatusTypeDef write_ndef_pressure_message(int32_t pressure_mmHg_scaled) {

HAL_StatusTypeDef status;


// Create a buffer for the pressure message (e.g., "123.45 mmHg")

char pressure_str[16]; // Max size for the pressure string (with decimals and unit)

snprintf(pressure_str, sizeof(pressure_str), "%ld.%02ld mmHg", pressure_mmHg_scaled / 100, pressure_mmHg_scaled % 100);


uint16_t message_len = strlen(pressure_str);


// Ensure the total length doesn't exceed the memory limit

if (message_len + NDEF_HEADER_SIZE > 32) {

message_len = 32 - NDEF_HEADER_SIZE; // Limit to 32 bytes (adjust based on available memory size)



// 1. Clear User Memory Area 1 (32 bytes for this example)

uint8_t clear_memory[32] = {0}; // Clear memory

status = HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, ST25DV_I2C_DATA_ADDRESS, USER_MEMORY_START, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT, clear_memory, 32, HAL_MAX_DELAY);


// Ensure the device is ready for the next operation (check readiness)

while (HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, ST25DV_I2C_DATA_ADDRESS, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY) != HAL_OK) {

HAL_Delay(5); // Small delay to allow the device to complete the write



// 2. Adjust NDEF Header for the correct payload length

NDEF_Text_Header[2] = message_len; // Set the correct payload length in the NDEF header


// 3. Write the NDEF header to User Memory Area 1



// Ensure the device is ready for the next operation (check readiness)

while (HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, ST25DV_I2C_DATA_ADDRESS, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY) != HAL_OK) {

HAL_Delay(5); // Small delay to allow the device to complete the write



// 4. Write the NDEF payload (pressure value as string) right after the header

status = HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, ST25DV_I2C_DATA_ADDRESS, USER_MEMORY_START + NDEF_HEADER_SIZE, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT, (uint8_t*)pressure_str, message_len, HAL_MAX_DELAY);


// Ensure the device is ready for the next operation (check readiness)

while (HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, ST25DV_I2C_DATA_ADDRESS, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY) != HAL_OK) {

HAL_Delay(5); // Small delay to allow the device to complete the write



return status;



Thank you.

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Accepted Solutions
ST Employee


In the example, block #0 and #1 contain an 8-bytes Capability Container (CC). The various bytes of the CC are described in §3.1 of AN4911. The format of the 8-bytes CC is shown in table 4 of AN4911

Then, the NDEF TLV starts on Block #2:

  • 03h is the T-field for the NDEF
  • 15h is the L-field of this NDEF (i.e. the overall length)
  • the next byte D1h is the beginning of the record header. I would suggest the reading of 4. Introducing NDEF - Beginning NFC [Book] that provides a comprehensive description of the NDEF structure.



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View solution in original post

ST Employee


can you dump the user memory from block #0 to the last block being used by your NDEF and share it with us? You can use the ST25 NFC Tap application to dump the memory content




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This is the memory bin file from the ST25 Tap app.

Thank you


the NDEF message seems to be written starting from block 0:


This is not compilant with NFC Forum T5T technical specification. Block 0 should contain the so-called Capability Container (aka CC). See Application Note AN4911 (ST25DV-I2C, ST25TV16K and ST25TV64K configuration to support a NDEF message).



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I just tried to update my code according to the document you sent but it is still not appearing in the NDEF section of the app.

// NDEF Header: Text Record (UTF-8)

uint8_t NDEF_Text_Header[NDEF_HEADER_SIZE] = {

0xD1, // MB, ME, SR, TNF = 0x1 (Well-known type)

0x01, // Type Length = 1 byte (for text)

0x00, // Payload Length (to be updated dynamically based on the pressure value string)

0x54, // Type = 'T' (for text record)

0x02, // UTF-8 encoding, language code length = 2

0x65, // 'e' (for "en" language code)

0x6E, // 'n' (for "en" language code)




// 8-byte Capability Container for ST25DV64K

uint8_t CapabilityContainer[8] = {

0xE2, // Magic number (2-byte address mode)

0x40, // Version + Access (1.x, Read/Write allowed)

0x00, // Reserved

0x00, // Additional feature information

0x00, // Reserved

0x00, // Reserved

0x03, // MLEN high byte (1023 blocks used for NDEF area)

0xFF // MLEN low byte (1023 blocks used for NDEF area)


// Function to write the Capability Container (CC) to Block 0

HAL_StatusTypeDef write_capability_container(void) {

HAL_StatusTypeDef status;


// Write the CC to Block 0 (8 bytes)

status = HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, ST25DV_I2C_DATA_ADDRESS, CC_BLOCK, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT, CapabilityContainer, 8, HAL_MAX_DELAY);

if (status != HAL_OK) {

// Handle error

return status;



// Ensure the device is ready for the next operation

while (HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, ST25DV_I2C_DATA_ADDRESS, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY) != HAL_OK) {



return status;



HAL_StatusTypeDef write_ndef_pressure_message(int32_t pressure_mmHg_scaled) {

HAL_StatusTypeDef status;


status = write_capability_container();


// Create a buffer for the pressure message (e.g., "123.45 mmHg")

char pressure_str[20]; // Max size for the pressure string (with decimals and unit)

snprintf(pressure_str, sizeof(pressure_str), "%ld.%02ld mmHg", pressure_mmHg_scaled / 100, pressure_mmHg_scaled % 100);


uint16_t message_len = strlen(pressure_str);


// Ensure the total length doesn't exceed the memory limit

if (message_len + NDEF_HEADER_SIZE > 32) {

message_len = 32 - NDEF_HEADER_SIZE; // Limit to 32 bytes (adjust based on available memory size)



// 1. Adjust NDEF Header for the correct payload length

NDEF_Text_Header[2] = message_len; // Set the correct payload length in the NDEF header


// 2. Write the NDEF header to User Memory Area 1



// Ensure the device is ready for the next operation (check readiness)

while (HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, ST25DV_I2C_DATA_ADDRESS, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY) != HAL_OK) {

HAL_Delay(5); // Small delay to allow the device to complete the write



// 3. Write the NDEF payload (pressure value as string) right after the header

status = HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, ST25DV_I2C_DATA_ADDRESS, NDEF_BLOCK_START + NDEF_HEADER_SIZE, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT, (uint8_t*)pressure_str, message_len, HAL_MAX_DELAY);


// Ensure the device is ready for the next operation (check readiness)

while (HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, ST25DV_I2C_DATA_ADDRESS, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY) != HAL_OK) {

HAL_Delay(5); // Small delay to allow the device to complete the write



return status;


Any advice for where I am going wrong?



block #0 does not have a valid Capability Container and the NDEF TLV seems to start in the middle of the second block:


Your memory should look like:


In this dump, block #0 and block #1contains a valid CC starting with E2 (i.e. support of 2-byte address mode) and the NDEF TLV starts just after the CC (i.e. at the beginning of block #2).

Make sure to follow Application Note AN4911. 




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I have read AN4911 but I am still having a hard time understanding the NDEF header, namely what values to put. 

Could each byte of the example be explained, please?


ST Employee


In the example, block #0 and #1 contain an 8-bytes Capability Container (CC). The various bytes of the CC are described in §3.1 of AN4911. The format of the 8-bytes CC is shown in table 4 of AN4911

Then, the NDEF TLV starts on Block #2:

  • 03h is the T-field for the NDEF
  • 15h is the L-field of this NDEF (i.e. the overall length)
  • the next byte D1h is the beginning of the record header. I would suggest the reading of 4. Introducing NDEF - Beginning NFC [Book] that provides a comprehensive description of the NDEF structure.



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