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STSW-ST25RFAL002 v3.0.1 Memory Needs

Associate II


We are using ST25R3916B in our new NFC-based access control product. We use NFC-A and T4 communication for Mifare Classic, Desfire cards, and Android NFC apps.


The STSW-ST25RFAL002 with the following configuration seems to be using around 8KB of additional RAM.  Is there any chance of reducing memory needs?



#define RFAL_FEATURE_LISTEN_MODE               true       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for Listen Mode                               */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_WAKEUP_MODE               false       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for the Wake-Up mode                          */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_LOWPOWER_MODE             false      /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for the Low Power mode                        */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFCA                      true       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for NFC-A (ISO14443A)                         */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFCB                      false       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for NFC-B (ISO14443B)                         */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFCF                      false       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for NFC-F (FeliCa)                            */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV                      false       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for NFC-V (ISO15693)                          */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_T1T                       false       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for T1T (Topaz)                               */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_T2T                       false       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for T2T                                       */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_T4T                       true       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for T4T                                       */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ST25TB                    false       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for ST25TB                                    */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ST25xV                    false       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for ST25TV/ST25DV                             */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_DYNAMIC_ANALOG_CONFIG     false      /*!< Enable/Disable Analog Configs to be dynamically updated (RAM)             */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_DPO                       false      /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL Dynamic Power Output support                          */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP                   true       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for ISO-DEP (ISO14443-4)                      */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_POLL              true       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for Poller mode (PCD) ISO-DEP (ISO14443-4)    */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_LISTEN            true       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for Listen mode (PICC) ISO-DEP (ISO14443-4)   */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFC_DEP                   false       /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for NFC-DEP (NFCIP1/P2P)                      */

#define RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_IBLOCK_MAX_LEN    256U       /*!< ISO-DEP I-Block max length. Please use values as defined by rfalIsoDepFSx */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFC_DEP_BLOCK_MAX_LEN     254U       /*!< NFC-DEP Block/Payload length. Allowed values: 64, 128, 192, 254           */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFC_RF_BUF_LEN            258U       /*!< RF buffer length used by RFAL NFC layer                                   */

#define RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_APDU_MAX_LEN      512U       /*!< ISO-DEP APDU max length. Please use multiples of I-Block max length       */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFC_DEP_PDU_MAX_LEN       512U       /*!< NFC-DEP PDU max length.                                                   */