2025-01-16 09:30 AM
Hello everyone,
I am using the X-NUCLEO-NFC08A1 NFC Shield that has the ST25R3920B chip. I want to know if it is possible to use this to make OOB Bluetooth with my android smartphone, and if so how can I achieve it. I read some documentation regarding the demos in X-Cube-NFC6 with card emulation, but I don´t if that is suitable for what I am trying to achieve.
2025-01-23 01:08 AM
The data is ok, I think the problem is that this function in the end only encodes the NDEF message into a raw buffer, but where do you exactly write this data in the tag? I think its just missing something in the code.
2025-01-23 01:20 AM
Well our demo code encodes this buffer into the emulated NDEF file for the T4T emulation:
static uint8_t ndefFile[80]; /* Buffer to encode NDEF file */
const uint8_t *demoNdefFile = ndefFile; /* Overwrite weak demoNdefFile pointer */
if( demoEncodeBluetoothRecord(ndefFile, sizeof(ndefFile)) != ERR_NONE )
the demoNdefFile is used by demo_ce.c to populate the emulated memory.
BR, Ulysses
2025-01-23 02:06 AM
Ok, I understand that. I am using NFC tools application to read the tag with the smartphone and even without using the Bluetooth Encode function, the application always says the tag is empty. It is not being able to read the URI string "st.com/st25-demo" from the example.
2025-01-23 02:10 AM
If I use the NFC tools to read/write from/to the tag there is no problem at all, I can even read the memory sectors and confirm that every byte is being well written. However, with the demo the memory is not correctly populated. I can leave prints if you want to inspect it.
2025-01-24 05:22 AM
with the ST25NFCTap application on your Android phone, can you go the MEMORY tab and read the memory? Then use the Dump memory to file and provide the binary file.
Go to the CC FILE tab and provide us the content of the cc file (screen copy).
Go to the TAG INFO tab and provide us the content of this tab (screen copy).
2025-01-24 06:42 AM
Hello, for some reason I cannot read the tag using the ST25NFC application. I have tried with 2 smartphones from 2 different brands and in both cases I got the messages "Unknown tag" or "Error reading tag" in the application. However, I can read the tag using the NFCTools app and I will leave you the prints with the tag information and memory dump.
From these informations I can conclude the following:
- My smartphone is recognizing the tag as Type 3 (Felica, JIS 6319-4). I have read in some forums that bluetooth pairing requires a Type 4 Tag, but I am not 100% sure of this. Can you clarify this to me?
- When I run the default example (without calling the OOBBluetoothRecordEncode function), the smartphone can detect the ST link and acess the webpage. The memory dump also confirms this. However, when is a Bluetooth record, I cannot read the tag memory ("This tag is not supported" message), and the application shows me less information about the tag itself (I will also leave a print).
I hope this information helps, tell me if you need more information.
2025-01-24 10:03 AM
as far as I remember, ST25NFCTap does not provide the support for Felica tag. As an alternative, TagInfo app can be used rather than NFC Tools.
By default, the paring demo emulates both a T4T tag and a Felica tag. You can disable the Felica emulation by commenting the following line in demo_polling.c:
Line 317: discParam.techs2Find |= RFAL_NFC_LISTEN_TECH_F;
"bluetooth pairing requires a Type 4 Tag" is probably a wrong information: I have no issue to retrieve pairing information with a Felica Card Emulation.
I've ran the pairing demo on my side and can properly decode the content of the NDEF (whatever Felica or T4T card Emulation is used). I've attached the result of the scan from TagInfo as a reference.
In order to debug your issue, the content of the CardEmulation memory is needed. It should be available with ST25NFCTap if you disable Felica or with TagInfo if you want to emulate both Felica and T4T.
2025-01-24 10:07 AM
I have a small update. If I initiate the record as Bluetooth Classic everything is okay I can sucessfully pair my smartphone. However, when I use Bluetooth LE record I start to have the mentioned problems. Can you tell me why? Is there any additional code that I should add?
2025-01-24 10:32 AM
what is the content of the memory when using the Bluetooth LE record? Can you scan it with ST25NFCTap if you disable Felica or with TagInfo if you want to emulate both Felica and T4T.
Make sure that your encode function does not return an error.
2025-01-27 01:47 AM
For some reason whenever the logs in terminal indicate "Activated in CE NFC-A mode", from the demoCycle function my smartphone does not detect the tag. Only when the log indicates "Activated in CE NFC-F mode" is possible to read. Do you know why this is happening?
Additionaly, when I use the ndefBluetoothBrEdrInit, I can sucessfully read the memory using TagInfo application (print below). However when I use the ndefBluetoothLeInit the application says that the tag memory is empty. Can this be an hardware problem rather than software?