2022-05-22 12:38 PM
Hi! I am attempting to use the current 1.10.0 Java SDK on a windows 10 pro computer with JDK 1.8.0_144. (Java 8) x86 - for use with ST25R3911-DISCO at first, and hopefully then the Feig USB reader.
I have carefully followed the st25pcdemoapp_...pdf document as well as created my own simple demonstration [pictured] and gotten the same result: "streader.dll: Can't find dependent libraries"
I have found the 2020 post with the same issue, and the linked zip file does not fix the problem. I have now used dependency walker to attempt to hunt down what is missing, which can be seen in the attached screenshots.
It appears there are a bunch of windows 10 SDK dlls that are not found, but I am so far unable to figure out where to find them to install them. The microsoft KBs appear to be for prior versions of windows.
Any advice on resolving these dependency issues?
Thank you!
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-05-23 2:57 AM
The jar files are Java archive files that contain the applet and all dependencies in a zip-like package. Windows will try to open the jar files with whatever program you tell it is associated with the jar format. The usual way is to run the jar program from the command line.
The fact that the program runs when you launch it from the CLI means that all the dll are found at run-time. The problem must then exist in your Eclipse environment setting.
Could you please check that you have the path to the x86 directory in the Run Configuration window for Java Applications, as shown in the attached picture?
2022-05-22 12:58 PM
Upon more research it appears those are not real errors, and the popular dependency walker program does not work with windows 10.
I have found a more modern program called 'Dependencies' that seems to indicate only "ext-ms-win-oobe-query-l1-1-0.dll" is missing - which maybe isnt what is causing my issue?
I am suspecting maybe this is a x86 vs 64 bit DLL issue? Thanks in advance.
2022-05-22 5:39 PM
Or perhaps MSVC Redistributables, which are often missing from Win10 and Win11 installs.
2022-05-22 7:08 PM
Oh. I should have mentioned, I did install those. I have opted for the 2015-2022 distribution that has all of them. Attempts to install just the 2017 MSVC fail with the error "already installed".
I suppose in my desperation I may try and remove the other ones and just install the file that is included in the resources folder of the SDK.
Interestingly, if I double click st25PcDemoApp.jar in the file explorer, it briefly flashes and closes without ever seeming to run, but if I navigate to the containing directory and type "Java -jar st25PcDemoApp.jar", it runs, but only if I copy the contents of the ST resources folder to the containing folder.
I see that eclipse is executing the code with Javaw - but this should not be a difference, its the same java installation as far as I can tell.
Very frustrating at this point. Spent all weekend on this and still no dice. RIP.
2022-05-22 7:10 PM
Running "javaw -jar st25PcDemoApp.jar" also seems to work with the pre-compiled, included JAR file. So it seems it isnt some difference between java and javaw.
2022-05-22 7:59 PM
As an aside, hopefully when ST staff see this they can answer, I have seen some reference to a ISO14...py python file that demonstrates using the 3911B Disco board with python. Is this available somewhere? It is referenced in the forums but does not appear to be part of the Disco GUI distribution.
Edited to add: I found the python, CPP, and C# demos in the users/username/stmicro.. folder. So nevermind this question.
2022-05-23 1:34 AM
Hello RGuys,
Sorry for the frustration :(
MSVC redistributables are indeed the culprit.
Could you please try to install the attached files in the same directory as streader.dll?
I that doesn't work, we can try installing the full VC++ 2013 redistributable.
Please let us know if any of those work for you. If it's ok, we'll issue a corrective release for both ST25SDK and the ST25PC-NFC software
2022-05-23 1:42 AM
Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately I already had both MSVCP120.dll and MSVCR120.dll in the x86 resources directory.
I copied your files over the ones I had and still got the error. Below is an image with my entire system resources directory - anything missing?
2022-05-23 1:46 AM
Oh - in addition I attempted to install the 2013 VC++, but it was already installed - so I did the repair. No change.
I would normally resort to a vmware VM at this point to get a clean dev environment, but I already tried that and have noticed the java based test programs do not seem to work with the hardware in the VM? At least this is the case for the more full-featured java desktop app.
Do I need to try and obtain an additional computer to create an isolated dev environment? I cannot immediately just wipe my main workstation!
2022-05-23 1:57 AM
Damien, just a note - I actually did not already have the *120.dll files, but they did not fix the problem either. Same exact dll error.