2023-09-06 8:30 AM
I'm working with legacy code from a client which provided me an the SDK for the ST25RU3993 board.
The version of the SDK they provided me is the v3.2.1.0.
The problem is, after compiling the SDK following the steps that the guide indicates:
The user must execute the following steps:
• Build libSTUHFL.so and libJNISTUHFL.so
– Run the makefile in the JNISTUHFL directory to build both shared libraries. By default the libraries are
build as release.
Note: The generated libJNISTUHFL shared object depends on the libSTUHFL and is generated first.
libSTUHFL.so can be found in .../Middleware/clib/STUHFL/bin/ARM/<target>
libJNISTUHFL.so can be found in .../Middleware/wrapper/java/jni/JNISTUHFL/JNISTUHFL/bin/ARM/<target>
Note: The make file depends on the system environment variable JAVA_HOME with the location to the JDK
Command line:
> cd .../Middleware/wrapper/java/jni/JNISTUHFL
> make
• Build STUHFL.jar (optional, only needed when modifications are applied)
– Compile the java sources from .../Middleware/wrapper/java/src and package it to a jar archive
Command line:
> cd .../Middleware/wrapper/java/src/
> javac -verbose stuhfl/*.java
> javac -verbose stuhflBridge/*.java
> jar cvf stuhfl.jar stuhfl stuhflBridge
When I try to compile the code using this SDK I have several problems with symbols that doesn't exists and I could find in the source code of the SDK, so I understand the code is developed for a different version of the Development Kit. There is a list of some of the symbols that are not found in the SDK. Could anyone tell my the version of the SDK where these symbols belong to?
Thank you in advance!
2023-09-06 9:10 AM
Have you grepped the SDK / repository thoroughly?
2023-09-06 9:36 AM
Client should perhaps provide you with compilable source from their prior builds / usage.
Might be necessary if this is material they customized.
@Berenice BENVEGUDA are older versions of the SDK available for download or on GitHub in a searchable fashion. Is v1.8.6 available?
2023-09-18 1:06 AM
do you want to build for Linux ?
The problem with the missing symbols happen when building which the following files: libSTUHFL.so, libJNISTUHFL.so or STUHFL.jar file ?
Could you send me or post here the complete build output of the compile runs ?