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NFC tag ST25DV64K reading throwing invalid parameter error

Associate II

I am trying to do extended read multiple blocks using the following iOS code:

var blocksToRead: UInt8 = 64

// Create the command data

let cmd: [UInt8] = [

0x20, // Flags (0x20 -> read)

0x33, // Extended Read Multiple Blocks

0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Tag ID bytes

0x00, 0x00, // Block number bytes

0x00, 0x00 // Number of blocks to read bytes


// Convert the command array to Data

let cmdData = Data(cmd)

iso15693Tag.customCommand(requestFlags: RequestFlag(rawValue: 0x20), customCommandCode: 0x33, customRequestParameters: Data(cmd)) {

(response: Data, error: Error?)

in // Handle response and errors similar to Android logic

if let error = error {

print("Transceive Error: \(error)") return


// Use response data for further processing




getting the following error:

Transceive Error: invalid parameter


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victor laraison
ST Employee

hi again sahiljain,
I tested your code ScanNFCViewcontroller.txt in my iOS App, and all seems to be working fine. 
I have just replaced the retryConnection function by session.restartPolling instead of tag.connect, printed the block number at each reading and added an action on button hit. 
I let you see the code sample here attached. 

Hope it helps.
