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NDEF writing/reading via I2C in X-Nucleo- NFC04A1(ST25DV)


Hi I'm trying to write text via NDEF library to be available to read from EEPROM by phone nfc aplication. Also I want to read text send by phone directly to EEPROM. I tried to change NDEF_URI example method to implement NDEF_WriteText and NDEF_ReadText method and write some text into ST25DV EEPROM and read from but honestly I have no idea what's wrong with my conception. Could you show me some code where you are using these methods?

Rene Lenerve
ST Employee

Hi @帅罗.1 (Community Member)​,

For that please read the documentation of the NFC07A1 expansion board. You can start with the "Getting started with the X-NUCLEO-NFC07A1 NFC/RFID tag IC expansion board

based on ST25DV64KC for STM32 Nucleo", if you don't find the proper information you are looking for you can continue with "Getting started with the X-CUBE-NFC7 dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC software

expansion for STM32Cube".

Then you can found also information on software documentations here.

I hope this will help you.

Kind Regards.


Hi,@Rene Lenerve​ 

I use the NDEF.URI sample code, but the memory for the tag is empty. I found my problem. I did not connect ST1 to the 3.3v position correctly,whether I need to do this in order to read NDEF messages correctly.0693W00000bhCtMQAU.png

Rene Lenerve
ST Employee

Hi @帅罗.1 (Community Member)​,

Great that you found the issue for the NFC7. This ST1 connector is used to select power for the ST25DVxxKC (3.3V comming from the nucleo MB1136C or Energy Harvesting coming from the RF Field). Be careful, regarding your screenshot you need to shunt the centered pin with the right-pin (3.3V), otherwise ST25DVxxKC will not be powered (and you will redirect both power supplies, the EH pin to the 3.3V).

Kind Regards.



Hi,@Rene Lenerve​ 

If I need to use the NDEF_URI sample code and display massage by ST25 NFC Tag, I also need to connect ST1 to the 3.3v position correctly.

Kind Regards.

Rene Lenerve
ST Employee

Hi @帅罗.1 (Community Member)​,

I'm not sure to understand your point and I'm not sure you have understood correctly my explanation. You only need to connect the jumper ST1 as per the picture I shared previously. This will powered the ST25DVxxKC to allow I²C communication (ST25DVxxKC Vcc connected to 3.3V). The RF communication is always available as it is powered by the RF Field. The EH pin is an output and used to power another small device by harvesting energy from the field. You can found more information in the DataSheet of the ST25DVxxKC.

Hope this will help you.

Kind Regards.


Hi,@Rene Lenerve​ 

Thank you for your help, I have successfully solved the problem, wish you a happy life!

Kind Regards.